Measure MM

Oakland Wildfire Prevention Financing Act of 2024

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Would levy a new special tax in a defined Wildfire Prevention Zone for 20 years to reduce the risk of wildfires in the specified zone by implementing a vegetation management plan, enhanced fire patrols, and goat grazing, among other actions. The tax would be collected from property owners within the zone, and be used exclusively within the defined zone. Tax collection would start July 1, 2025. Measure MM requires two-thirds (2/3) of voters voting on this measure to vote yes.

Fiscal Impact: The City Administration estimates this measure would raise $2.67 million in revenue in the first year. In subsequent years, increases to the tax are limited to cost-of-living adjustments and capped at 5 percent. The measure allows the use of revenue collected to cover administrative expenses, and as such, we anticipate that the City would not incur additional or new costs.

Next Alameda County Measure: Measure NN



Supporters argue that Wildfires in California are growing larger, more frequent, and more destructive every year - taking lives, burning homes, and displacing thousands. The Oakland Hills are at serious risk due to its natural topography, population density, and substantial tree and vegetation growth. These wildfires impact all our communities; we've felt the consequences, from smoke-filled air to losing homeowners' insurance to displacing families. The most cost-effective way to combat wildfires is through a smart prevention plan that includes implementing tree and vegetation management, inspecting high-risk sites, and coordinating across governmental agencies and community partners. Measure MM will fund these efforts for Oakland. Since the 1991 Oakland Hills Firestorm, which killed 25 people and decimated over 3,000 homes, Oakland has transformed its prevention methods. Recent history has shown that there is still significant work to do to be safe. 

A YES vote on this measure means you are in favor of a new special tax to support wildfire prevention in at risk zones.


Opponents argue that Measure MM provides no oversight. Several years ago, City Auditor Courtney Ruby attended a breakfast meeting with this taxpayer association. When asked the question "What provisions should a new Oakland tax measure contain to ensure that it doesn't become another Oakland slush fund?" She responded that the measure should require annual financial and effectiveness audits by the Oakland City Auditor and dedicate at least 1/2% of the tax to the Auditor's office so that the Auditor can afford to hire staff to do the audits. The Wildfire measure contained NO reliable accountability provisions. 

A NO vote on this measure means you are against a new special tax to support wildfire prevention in at risk zones.

In Depth

The Oakland Fire Department ("OFD") has been actively managing vegetation on City-owned property since 2003 to minimize wildfire hazard in high-risk fire areas, utilizing various techniques, including goat grazing, hand crews, and limited mechanical treatments. In May 2024, the City Council approved a comprehensive Vegetation Management Plan, that describes the actions that OFD will take over a 10-year plan timeframe to reduce fire hazards on approximately nineteen hundred and twenty-four acres of City-owned land and along three hundred and eight miles of adjacent roadway.

This measure would amend the Oakland Municipal Code to add Chapter 4.59, "Wildfire Prevention Financing Act of 2024," and establish a special parcel tax for twenty (20) years on parcels within the "Wildfire Prevention Zone." The purpose of the special tax is to reduce the risk of wildfire by funding the implementation of wildfire prevention plans, as adopted by City Council from time to time, including the 2024 VMP. The Wildfire Prevention Zone is the geographic area in which the special parcel tax would be levied and the area in which the services funded by the special parcel tax would be provided. The boundaries of the Wildfire Prevention Zone are set by the map included in the Ordinance, and generally include the City's Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as established by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection map adopted in April 2024, and adjacent risk areas.

The special parcel tax revenue could only be used (1) to pay for administrative expenses related to the tax that are specified in the measure, and (2) to implement the City's wildfire prevention plans in the Wildfire Prevention Zone, including protecting evacuation routes, removing dead and dying trees and invasive vegetation, performing enhanced inspections of parcels in the Wildfire Prevention Zone, and funding public education efforts to reduce the risk of wildfires in the Wildfire Prevention Zone. The City may not use the proceeds of the special parcel tax to fund the performance of initial annual inspections of parcels in the Wildfire Prevention Zone, which are currently conducted by OFD and paid from the City's General Purpose Fund.

The  annual  rate  of  the  special  parcel  tax  would  be  $99/single-family  parcel, $65/condominium/multifamily unit, and based on a formula for nonresidential parcels, with allowed annual adjustments based on cost of living increases up to five percent (5%). There are several exemptions, including for certain very low income households and seniors. The measure requires a community oversight commission and annual independent financial audits as part of tax accountability. If approved, the special parcel tax will be levied beginning in the City fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2025.

Source: City of Oakland Wildfire Prevention Zone Materials

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