Measure QQ

Youth Voting for Oakland School Board

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CITY OF OAKLAND—Would give the Oakland City Council authority to lower the voting age for Oakland school board elections from 18 to 16, and would not allow the City Council to change any other voter eligibility requirements under state law. Measure QQ requires a simple majority (50% + 1) to pass.

Fiscal Impact: Would have no immediate fiscal impact since this measure merely authorizes the City Council to adopt an ordinance allowing persons aged 16 and 17 to vote for the Office of School Director. Current estimates of the cost are $7,000-$10,000 in each cycle in which school board elections are held, but the actual costs would depend on the implementation of the ordinance.

Next Alameda County Measure: Measure RR



Proponents of Measure QQ argue that everyone should have a say in the decisions made by elected officials that impact their lives, and Oakland students are directly impacted by the priorities and policies of the Oakland Unified School District but currently have no representation on decisions about critical issues; by empowering young adults to vote in local school board elections, Oakland is cultivating informed and civically-engaged voters for years to come; and other cities in the U.S. that allow 16 and 17 year-olds to vote have seen incredible results.

A YES vote on this measure means: The Oakland City Council would be authorized to adopt an ordinance allowing persons aged 16 and 17 to vote for the Office of School Board Director. (Campaign Website)


Opponents of Measure QQ argue that persons younger than 18 are not trained and have little experience with the policy and financial decisions that elected officials must make, and that there are other ways to improve voter participation among young adults.

A NO vote on this measure means: The Oakland City Council would not be authorized to adopt an ordinance allowing persons aged 16 and 17 to vote for the Office of School Board Director.

In Depth
In Depth:

The Oakland City Charter governs the elections for Oakland Unified School District’s School Board Directors. The Oakland School Board has seven Directors elected to four-year terms by districts corresponding to the seven Oakland City Council districts. Three Directors are elected in the General Municipal elections in a non-presidential election year, and the remaining four are elected in the General Municipal elections in a presidential election year.

Currently, persons under the age of 18 cannot vote in Oakland school board elections. This measure, if approved by more than 50% of Oakland voters, would give the Oakland City Council the authority to lower the voting age for Oakland school board elections from 18 to 16. This measure would not allow the City Council to change any other voter eligibility requirements under state law.

Source: City Attorney's Impartial Analysis of Measure QQ

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Official Resources

Alameda County Elections Office

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Open Disclosure Oakland

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