Measure S

Oakland Noncitizen Voting in Local Elections

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CITY OF OAKLAND—Would amend the City Charter to allow the City Council, by adopting an ordinance, to authorize voting by noncitizen residents—who are the parents, legal guardians, or legally recognized caregivers of a child—for the Office of Oakland School Board Director if they are otherwise eligible to vote under state and local law. Measure S requires a simple majority (50% + 1) to pass.

Fiscal Impact: Would, if the City Council adopts such an ordinance in the future, it is estimated the City of Oakland would incur costs of $21,000 to $28,000 in years in which OUSD school board elections are held.

Next Alameda County Measure: Measure T



Proponents of Measure S argue that every parent with school-age children should have the ability to help decide who runs schools, and studies show that the involvement of parents in their student's school matters correlates with students' increased academic performance. They argue non-citizen parents, legal guardians, or legally recognized caregivers of children contribute greatly to our economy and society, but still do not have access to some of the vital tools needed to effectively advocate for their student's educational success in school.

A YES vote on this measure means: The Oakland City Council would be authorized to expand voting eligibility criteria for Oakland school board elections.


Opponents of Measure S argue allowing non-citizens dilutes the votes of lawful U.S. citizens and the privilege of voting should be restricted to U.S. citizens. They argue that San Francisco passed a similar measure in 2016, and it went into effect in 2018, resulting in time-consuming and expensive litigation.

A NO vote on this measure means: The Oakland City Council would not be authorized to expand voting eligibility criteria for Oakland school board elections.

In Depth

Currently, only United States citizens can vote in Oakland school board elections. This measure would authorize the Oakland City Council to expand voting eligibility criteria for Oakland school board elections. Specifically, the City Council would be authorized to adopt an ordinance that would allow noncitizens to vote for the Office of School Board Director if they are: 1) residents of Oakland; 2) otherwise eligible to vote under California law; and 3) parents, legal guardians, or legal caregivers of qualified minor children.

The criteria for qualifying children would be established by City ordinance. If state or federal law prohibits the Council from providing that only noncitizens with children are eligible to vote in school board elections, the measure would authorize the City Council to expand eligibility to noncitizens without children, if they are Oakland residents and otherwise are eligible to vote under California law.

This measure would authorize, but not require that the City Council expand the eligibility requirements for voting in Oakland school board elections. This measure would authorize the City Council to expand the voter eligibility requirements only for the Office of School Board Director. This measure was placed on the ballot by the Oakland City Council.

Source: City Attorney's Impartial Analysis of Measure S

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