Proposition J

Recreational Use of JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park

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November 2024 San Francisco Measures

2022—Would limit cars on certain street segments in Golden Gate Park including JFK Drive, make certain street segments one-way, establish bike lanes, and urge additional changes to improve public access to Golden Gate Park. Proposition J requires a simple majority (50% + 1) to pass.

Fiscal Impact: Would be dependent on decisions that the Mayor and Board of Supervisors make through the budget process, as an ordinance cannot bind future Mayors and Boards of Supervisors to provide funding for this or any other purpose.

Next San Francisco County Measure: Proposition L



Proponents of Measure J argue that it affirms the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in April 2022, making JFK Promenade a permanent, safe, and accessible public space in Golden Gate Park. They argue that visits to the park are up 36% over the period before the pandemic and 70% of people surveyed approve of a permanent JFK Promenade.

A YES vote on this measure means: Cars would be limited on certain street segments in Golden Gate Park including JFK Drive, certain street segments would be made one-way, bike lanes established, and additional changes to improve public access to Golden Gate Park. (Campaign Website)


Opponents of Measure J argue that it would stop the permanent closure of JFK Drive and access to Golden Gate Park for seniors, people with disabilities, families, and residents throughout San Francisco.  They argue the City closed JFK Drive and the Great Highway to cars during the pandemic as a temporary measure, but now it's time to restore access for all.

A NO vote on this measure means: Cars would not be limited on certain street segments in Golden Gate Park including JFK Drive, certain street segments would not be made one-way, bike lanes not established, and additional changes to improve public access to Golden Gate Park would not be made.

In Depth

Ordinance amending the Park Code to repeal and reauthorize the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program, which includes establishing new recreation and open space by limiting private vehicles on certain street segments in Golden Gate Park including on JFK Drive, making certain street segments one-way, establishing bicycle lanes, and urging additional changes to improve public access to Golden Gate Park; and making associated findings under the California Vehicle Code.

Source: Legal Text of Proposition J

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